ბაკურიანი - Bakuriani ბაკურიანი - Bakuriani ბაკურიანი - Bakuriani

About Bakuriani

Best time to visit: All Season

Bakuriani is situated in Daba Borjomi Municipality, on the northern slope of the Trialeti ridge, on the bank of the river Bakurianistskali (a tributary of Gujaretistskali river), at an altitude of 1,700 meters, 30 kilometers from Borjomi.

The bakuriani area is covered with coniferous forest. On the territory of Daba is cultivated Bakuriani Botanical Garden.

Community center (villages: Big Mitarbi, Small Mitarbi, Tori, Sakochavi). It represents the last point of the Borjomi-Bakuriani railway.


Bakuriani is a famous mountain-climatic resort and a ski resort of international importance. The first ski base was opened in 1932. There are ropeways from Bakuriani to Kokhtagora mountain (1.3 Km) and to Tskhratskaro pass (3.5km), also ski trampolines are built there. There is an artificial snowfall on Didveli skiing routes.

Factors include: mountain climate, long time sunshine (2052 hr per year) and high UV rays.

Medical Screening: Lymphadenitis, Chronic, non-tuberculous illnesses of respiratory tract, anemia.

Tags: #Populated Area #Small town

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