Dry Bridge

About Dry Bridge

Best time to visit: All Season

Dry Bridge is a bridge built in 1849-51, located in Tbilisi, between Atoneli and Khidi bridges. It is famous for its antiques market and open-air art exhibition. Lovers of vintage items will find many interesting things here, here you will find antique utensils, old samovars and tungsten, typewriters, tapes, books, original souvenirs and a thousand different and interesting history items. That is why this place is also called the "Memory Market". Here you can buy paintings by Georgian artists, as well as accessories based on traditional motifs and other items. Near the dry bridge are the Dedaena Park and the April 9 Park, where you will be able to walk and unwind in a green environment. This place has a special charm, at the head of the bridge stand two buildings with straight classicist elements - the former hotels "Grand Hotel" and "London". The hotel "Grand Hotel" is also known for its tragic history: in one of the hotel rooms was killed the muse of the famous Norwegian painter Edward Munch - Norwegian writer and translator Dagny Yuli. You will also find many cafes and restaurants near the bridge. This place is very popular, it is often visited by locals as well as tourists. The author and main builder of the bridge project is Giovanni Scudieri. After its demise, construction was completed by engineer Blix. The Mtkvari branch flowed under the bridge until the 30s of the XX century. After the branch dried up, the bridge was renamed to the Dry Bridge.

Tags: #History #Culture #Architecture #Bridge #Infrastructure

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