St. Vakhtang Gorgasali Church of Dzulukhi

ძულუხის წმ. ვახტანგ გორგასლის ტაძარი ძულუხის წმ. ვახტანგ გორგასლის ტაძარი ძულუხის წმ. ვახტანგ გორგასლის ტაძარი ძულუხის წმ. ვახტანგ გორგასლის ტაძარი ძულუხის წმ. ვახტანგ გორგასლის ტაძარი

About St. Vakhtang Gorgasali Church of Dzulukhi

Best time to visit: All Season

St. Vakhtang Gorgasali Church of Dzulukhi is located in the village of Dzulukhi, Vani Municipality, Imereti Region. The church was built in the XXI century. The hall-type building ends on the east side with a semicircular apse. The entrance is from the west. On the same side, the church has a portico with arches on three sides. On top of the west arch of the portico the relief image of the so-called "Bolnuri Cross" is placed. To the west of the temple stands the bell tower, which is also the entrance gate to the churchyard.

How to get there

St. Vakhtang Gorgasali Church of Dzulukhi is located in the village of Dzulukhi, Vani Municipality, Imereti Region, 15 km away from Vani, on the left bank of the Dzulukhuri River. The road goes to the church.

Tags: #History #Church #Culture #Monastery

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