The Money Museum

About The Money Museum

Best time to visit: All Season

The Money Museum is located in Kakheti, in the city of Kvareli, at 10 Rustaveli Street. It was founded in 2001 on the basis of the "Museum of Bank " operating from 1981-1989. Money has been used since ancient times. The history and importance of the museum in the economy or development of the country are very interesting. The Museum of Money is the only one in Georgia that is entirely dedicated to money. Here is represented a centuries-old history of money circulation in Georgia from the VI century to the present day, as well as the currencies of different countries of the modern world. The museum will be especially attractive for those interested in numismatics. In the Money Museum, in addition to seeing a variety of exhibits, you can buy copies of historical Georgian coins, publications on the history of money, etc.

Tags: #History #Culture #Museum #Historical Monument


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