DJI_0377 DJI_0368

About Gudarekhi

Best time to visit: All Season

Village Gudarekhi is located in Kvemo Kartli region, Tetritskaro municipality, on the eastern slope of Bedeni ridge, at 1100 meters above sea level. People have lived in the village since ancient times. The settlement of the Bronze Age has been discovered here. The following written sources give us information about the village: Vakhushti Bagrationi's "Description of the Kingdom of Georgia", historical documents of the XVI-XVIII centuries, Ioane Bagrationi's "Description of Kartli-Kakheti". It was the ancestral village of the Baratashvili family in XVI century. The road from Samshvilde to Manglisi passed through Gudarekhi. The village is located in a beautiful place, with wonderful views of the Algeti Reservoir and Kvemo Kartli. In addition to the beautiful nature, Gudarekhi is also distinguished of its culture. One of the most important cultural monuments of Georgia, Gudarekhi monastery complex is here. You can also discover Gudarekhi tower and Kakutsa Cholokashvili's residence in the village.

Tags: #Village #Infrastructure #Infrastructure #Populated Area

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