Hualing Tbilisi Sea Plaza

Hualing Tbilisi Sea Plaza, Shopping Mall Hualing Tbilisi Sea Plaza, Shopping Mall Hualing Tbilisi Sea Plaza, Shopping Mall Hualing Tbilisi Sea Plaza, Shopping Mall

About Hualing Tbilisi Sea Plaza

Best time to visit: All Season

Hualing Tbilisi Sea Plaza is a large-scale shopping center located in the eastern part of Tbilisi, near the Tbilisi Sea, on Marshal Pilsudski Avenue. The shopping center includes: market zone, processing zone, customs terminal, warehouse zone, commercial pedestrian street, motorcycle repair workshop and other facilities. Here you will find a large selection of different types of products.

In Tbilisi Sea Plaza you will be able to buy clothes, accessories, travel suitcases, food, furniture, building materials, lighting, children's toys, hygiene items, auto parts and other items you need. There are also food outlets, banks and other establishments in the shopping center. Hualing Tbilisi Sea Plaza is the largest shopping complex in the Transcaucasia, with about 400 different types of shops in one space. An orderly and multi-functional environment is very comfortable for shopping.

Tags: #Entertainment #Food #Food #Food Place #Shopping #Shopping mall #Shop #Leisure

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