გარეჯის იოანე ნათლისმცემლის მონასტერი - Ioane Natlismcemeli Monastery გარეჯის იოანე ნათლისმცემლის მონასტერი - Ioane Natlismcemeli Monastery გარეჯის იოანე ნათლისმცემლის მონასტერი - Ioane Natlismcemeli Monastery გარეჯის იოანე ნათლისმცემლის მონასტერი - Ioane Natlismcemeli Monastery გარეჯის იოანე ნათლისმცემლის მონასტერი - Ioane Natlismcemeli Monastery

About John the Baptist monastery

Best time to visit: All Season

John the Baptist Monastery is located at David Gareji Monastery Complex, 12 km west of David Lavra. It is a whole complex carved in a cave. It was founded in VI-VII centuries by Lukiane who was a disciple of David Garejeli.

The monastery is carved in the rocky tract created by sandstone of the sea origin. An unusually high and extensive main church is remarkable from other buildings. In the north, there is a small site that connects the main hall with 2 arches. Before the altar is iconostasis dated second half of the XVIII century. There is one small church in the south of the main church, which can be accessed by climbing the cave carved stairs. At the entrance to the main church, there is a tower and a bell-tower built on the gate. The interior has fragments of a painting of the first half of the 12th century.

Tags: #History #Church #Culture #Monastery #Historical Monument

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