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About Kakaskhidi
Best time to visit:
All Season
In the south of Village Kakaskhidi, on the left side of the river Khanistzkali,at the altitude of 600m,there is an iron bridge made in Gustav Eiffel’s factory.It connects Zekari Valley to Baghdati villages.”It crossed Kakaskhidi”-it’s a saying which means that in the past the enemy took captives by force and if you caught the captives before the bridge they could be saved. But if they crossed the bridge, they couldn’t be caught. It’s 240 km. From Tbilisi, 15km. From Baghdati and 45km.from Kutaisi.
Where to stay In Imereti
Sunshine house
Eco Cottage
Hotel · Guest House · Cottage · Wine Cellar / Winery
Hotel David
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