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Keda Historical Museum
About Keda Historical Museum
Best time to visit:
All Season
Keda Historical Museum is located in Adjara, Keda Municipality, Daba Keda, at 9 Tbel Abuseridze Street. The museum preserves a variety of archeological materials found on the territory of the municipality. The exhibits cover different periods, from ancient times to the present day. Here you will find tools, numismatic patterns, geological collection, applied art products, ethnographic materials of Adjara, documentary and photographs depicting region life and works by local artists. Keda Archaeological Museum is one of the interesting places to get acquainted with the history and culture of the region.
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Where to stay In Adjara
VenoSea Tsikhisdziri Seaside Cottage
Resort · Fortress · Cottage
Guest House Akutsa
Guest House
Hilltop Batumi
Paradise Inn
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