ხრამის ხეობა - Khrami Gorge ხრამის ხეობა - Khrami Gorge ხრამის ხეობა - Khrami Gorge

About Khrami Gorge

Best time to visit: All Season

River Khrami (Ktsi) - A valley in eastern Georgia that flows into Kvemo Kartli, Tetritskaro municipalities. In the upper part it is called Ktsia. Khrami originates from the slopes of the Trialeti Range and flows through a deep gorge. It is fed mainly by snow, does not freeze, in its lower

part it is used for irrigation. Tsalka reservoir and 3 hydroelectric stations are built on the river Khrami. The tributaries of Khrami are: Debeda and Mashavera (right).

Tags: #Nature #Gorge

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