ზეკარის უღელტეხილი კურორტი ზეკარი

About Resort Zekari

Best time to visit: All Season

Resort Zekari is located in the Imereti region, Baghdati Municipality, on the northern slope of the Meskheti Range. It is a balneo-climatic resort. Therapeutic factors are sulphury thermal waters and passive climatotherapy. Zekari, in addition to its healing properties, also stands out with a very beautiful nature. If you love to relax in the mountains, this place is perfect for unwinding. Beautiful views of the Meskheti Range, fresh air, tranquility, and healing waters create the best environment for stress relief and sanative relaxation.

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Where to stay In Imereti

Eco Cottage
Eco Cottage
Hotel · Guest House · Cottage · Wine Cellar / Winery

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