The Church of Dormition of Lykhny

The Church of Dormition of Lykhny

About The Church of Dormition of Lykhny

Best time to visit: All Season

The Church of Dormition of Lykhny is located in the village of Likhny, Gudauta Municipality, Abkhazia. Currently, the territory of Abkhazia is occupied by Russia. The temple dates back to the 10th century. Quite many remarkable inscriptions have been survived in the Likhny Church. The kings of the united Georgia Bagrat IV and George II are mentioned in them. The inscription, which refers to the appearance of Halley's Comet in 1066, draws special attention. The church is a cross-domed building, which is completed on the east side by three protruding apses. Later, chapels were added to the temple on the western, northern and southern sides. The small dome rests on four piers. The facades are not decorated, a space is separated only by window openings. In the interior, two layers of wall painting have been preserved - from the 10th-11th and 14th centuries. The frescoes are characterized by their satisfying colors, dynamism and expressiveness. As mentioned above, the Likhny church is located in the occupied territory, therefore it is not possible to study it and carry out the corresponding work. In 2010, the de facto government of Abkhazia began restoration work, but without professional restorers, there is a danger of abolishing the authenticity of the monument and vanishing the historical traces on it.

Tags: #occupied territories #History #Church #Culture #Monastery #Historical Monument


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