Lower Sharakhevi - Khmala Mountain - Bodakhevi

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About Lower Sharakhevi - Khmala Mountain - Bodakhevi

Best time to visit: All Season

The trail starts next to the river Aragvi, in the lower Sharakhevi gorge 850 MSL. From the river Aragvi the trail follows the ground road up to village Kvemo Sharakhevi 3.5 km. From the village, the trail is directed to south-east and goes to  Zenamkhari village throught the forest. There are ruins of ancient churches. At the 1700 MSL there are shepherd shelters with old wood stoves and some firewood as well so you can warm up and dry your clothes. Also you can easily find empty shelter to stay overnight in winter. But in summer they might be occupied by shepherds so it's better to have a tent with you.

After Zenamkhari village, trail goes to north-east and climbs up to 2160 above sea level over the mountain Khmala. In case of good weather, you can enjoy the stunning views on the mountain range Caucasus and the Queen of Khevi "Mkinvarsveri". The trail leads to the south-east direction on the alpine zone, then follows the gorge in the woods and descends to the village of Bodakhevi.



Day 1: Aragvie gorge - Summer farms

Start point at 850 MSL.
Final point at 1700 MSL.
Ascend: 850 m. Distance: 10 km


Day 2: Summer farms - Mountain Khmala - Village Bodakhevi

Start point at 1700 MSL.
Highest point at 2160 MSL.
Final point at 1220 MSL.
Ascend: 460 m. Distance: 10 km

Tags: #hiking #trekking #Backpacking #Adventure Tour
42.222475 , 44.839007
Duration: 2 days
Total distance: 20 km
Difficulty: Medium

Our guides are ready to help you on this trip

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Thomas van
Thomas van

Which peak on this route is Khmala mountain? I know Khmali Mountain, which is between the villages of Pavleuri and Kvemo Khorkhi. I have heard other Georgian hikers refer this peak (Khmali mountain) as Khmala mountain. On google maps Khmali mountain is labelled as Khorkhi mountain. Just curious, thank you in advance.

Ucha Gviniashvili
Ucha Gviniashvili

This is the Khmala mountain, check the map:

Also on this trail as you see trail goes north, then it stops at Khmala mountain peak and turns back to south. It’s elevation is 2160 meters msl

Thomas van
Thomas van

thanks, will visit it soon!

Karan Singh
Karan Singh

Hi I have tried to download the gpx file for this hike however it appears as a pdf. Could you link the gpx please

Mariam Pirashvili
Mariam Pirashvili

Hello. We have checked the track, its .gpx file. Please download again on your mobile. We use the navigation application View Ranger . It is the best app, so we advice you to use it.

Karan Singh
Karan Singh

I have it now sorry to trouble you

Mariam Pirashvili
Mariam Pirashvili

You are welcome. In case of questions please contact us anytime.

Karan Singh
Karan Singh

One other thing is there a road that leads to the beginning & end of the trail. Will we need to hire a 4wd or can a normal vehicle get us there?

Karan Singh
Karan Singh

I can see from the village Tianeti to the trailend Bodakhevi the road appears to be a small road. Do you know if that is ok for a normal vehicle to travel?

natia lomineishvili
natia lomineishvili

Yes you can get to the start and end point with any vehicle. All the roads are paved. Road from Bodakhevi to Tianeti was not paved by the time we went there but it's a normal gravel road, not a problem for small cars

Karan Singh
Karan Singh

Thank you for your help, you guys are really cool.

Mariam Pirashvili
Mariam Pirashvili

Thank you very much ❤️

Karan Singh
Karan Singh

Hi we are going to do this on on the weekend, Do you think there will be snow on the peak this time of year?

Mariam Pirashvili
Mariam Pirashvili

There definitely will be snow. So we advice you to wear the proper shoes and the warm clothes ❤️

Karan Singh
Karan Singh

Thanks again for your prompt response

Amir Parva
Amir Parva

Hi! thanks for the info, How can I get there from Tbilisi by public transportation?

Amir Parva
Amir Parva

- Also how to get back from the end of the route?

1 Reviews
Zura Egetashvili

ვიყავით ამ მარშრუტის შარახევი-ხმალას მონაკვეთზე. მარშრუტი საკმაოდ პრობლემატურია ვინაიდან ბილიკი ქოხებსა და შარახევის შუაში ძალიან გატყიურებულია და ძნელად იკითხება. არაა რეკომენდებული გამოუცდელი მოლაშქრეებისთვის. აღსანიშნავია რომ გზაზე არის კოლოსალური რაოდენობის და ძალიან ტკბილი ასკილი. ხედები ხმალას მთიდან მართლაც დიდებულია. შეიძლება მაგ მარშრუტის სხვადასხვა ვარიაციებით შესრულება. იგივე შარახევიდან ადის შემოვლითი გრუნტის გზა, რომელიც კარგია სასიარულოდ.

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