
About Muashi

Best time to visit: All Season

This resort Muashi is located in Svaneti, in the municipality of Lentekhi, in the ravine of Tskhenistskhali (which means “the water of horse” in Georgian), 1300 meters from sea level. The resort is distinguished for its marvelous nature. Wide fields, woods, picturesque views from the mountain, and tiny, woody cottages create a perfect combination for those, who love resting in nature. Muashi is a balneological resort. Damp climate is characteristic of it. The winter is very cold, summer- long-termed and cool. The main spa and mineral factor is carbon dioxide, lithium bicarbonate, calcium-sodium mineral water, which is used for both: drinking and bathing. If you want to rest in the calmness of nature and get health treatment as well, Muashi is a wonderful place for it.

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