Sakhizari Cliff Natural Monument

About Sakhizari Cliff Natural Monument

Best time to visit: Spring, Summer, Autumn

Sakhizari Cliff Natural Monument is located in the Mtskheta-Mtianeti region, Kazbegi Municipality, near the village of Sioni, at 3136 meters above sea level. It is a complex of erosive columns with an interesting geological structure, formed on Mount Khabarjina as a result of leaching due to abundant rainfall. Khabarjina itself is a volcanic mountain. In the Middle Ages, when the enemy invaded, the villagers fled here and hid in the rocks. The name originates from it. Sakhizari Cliff Natural Monument is an amazingly beautiful sight and attracts many nature and hiking lovers. The length of the hiking trail from the village of Sioni to the monument is just 4 km. The columnar rock massif, alpine meadows, and magnificent views make a great impression on the visitor.

Tags: #Nature

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