Salkhino Church of Queen Tamar

სალხინოს წმინდა თამარ მეფის სახელობის ეკლესია, church სალხინოს წმინდა თამარ მეფის სახელობის ეკლესია, church

About Salkhino Church of Queen Tamar

Best time to visit: All Season

Salkhino Church of Queen Tamar is located in the village of Salkhino, Vani Municipality, Imereti Region. The temple was built in 2016. It is a hall building and ends with a seven-pointed apse outside to the east. Part of the apse is lower than the main hall. The entrance is two, from the west and north, both arched. The church has a gate from the west. The windows of the temple are also arched. The facades are surrounded by a simple cornice. The interior is completely painted.

How to get there

The village of Salkhino is located in the Imereti region, Vani Municipality, on the bank of the river Sulori, 3 km from Vani. The road goes to the village.

Tags: #History #Church #Culture #Monastery

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