St. George Church in Zhibiani

ჟიბიანის წმინდა გიორგის ეკლესია Zhibiani St. George Church Церковь Святого Георгия в Жибиани ჟიბიანის წმინდა გიორგის ეკლესია Zhibiani St. George Church Церковь Святого Георгия в Жибиани ჟიბიანის წმინდა გიორგის ეკლესია Zhibiani St. George Church Церковь Святого Георгия в Жибиани ჟიბიანის წმინდა გიორგის ეკლესია Zhibiani St. George Church Церковь Святого Георгия в Жибиани

About St. George Church in Zhibiani

Best time to visit: All Season

St. George Church in Zhibiani is located in Svaneti, Mestia Municipality, in the village of Zhibiani, Ushguli community, southwest of the Lamaria complex in Ushguli. It dates back to the XV century. The hall-type temple, built of gallstone, ends with a three-facet, extended apse. In the center of the apse is one large arched window. Another window is cut in the west wall. The sanctuary is separated from the hall by an iconostasis, which has an arched exit in the center, and on both sides of the exit there are small, arched apertures for icons. The vault is divided into two narrow sections by a very wide, slightly extended arch, which, without capitals, passes directly into similarly wide, slightly extended pilasters; The wall arches are not transferred on the longitudinal walls. The whole hall is surrounded by a quite high and narrow stair. On the three facets of the altar apse is a flat and wide "pilasters" arch. On the west wall, above the window, is a plain cross relief. In the same wall is the only, low, arched entrance to the temple. The original door of the building is not preserved, now there is a modern, wooden, carved door. The church is plastered both inside and out, with newly laid dark gray stone slabs on the floor. The builder of St. George's Church tries to replicate the shapes and decor of Lamaria Church, though he fails to achieve Lamaria sophistication.

Tags: #History #Church #Culture #Monastery #Historical Monument

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