State art museum of Adjara

აჭარის ხელოვნების სახელმწიფო მუზეუმი - Adjara Art Museum აჭარის ხელოვნების სახელმწიფო მუზეუმი - Adjara Art Museum აჭარის ხელოვნების სახელმწიფო მუზეუმი - Adjara Art Museum

About State art museum of Adjara

Best time to visit: All Season

State Art Museum of Adjara - Real Estate of Cultural Heritage in Batumi, Adjara, which was founded in 1998.

The Museum of Art is located in one of the historic buildings of Batumi, designed by famous architect Kakha Javakhishvili (1949). This monumental building is distinguished by its functional structure and aesthetic appearance, characterized by sophisticated architecture and simplicity of the decor. The facade is decorated with a relief frieze by famous sculptor Tamar Abakelia (1951-52).

The museum keeps about 400 exhibits, paintings by well-known Georgian and foreign artists (Niko Pirosmani, D. Kakabadze, L. Gudiashvili, E. Akhvlediani, S. Bakalovich, Zomer, A. Terni, R. Petviashvili, N. Ignatov, A. Zankovski), G. Tsereteli, etc), Graphic (N. Churghulia, L. Zambakhidze etc) Paintings, ceramics, wood, glass, stamping, tapestry, sculpture( E. Fantareli, G. Ochiauri etc).


State art museum of Adjara was officially opened on December 19, 1998 and it is an important center of modern Georgian culture. The museum holds a solid collection of exhibits that give a vivid representation of the main stages of 20th century Georgian visual art. The whole range of wonderful artists of different generations is represented here.

Tags: #History #Culture #Museum #Historical Monument

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