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Svaneti Historical-Ethnographic Museum is a museum in Mestia, Svaneti. It was founded in 1936.
Svaneti Historical-Ethnographic Museum includes a diverse exhibition featuring almost all fields of Svaneti ethnocultural heritage and handicrafts. The visit to the museum begins with the introduction of archeological material dating back to the III millennium BC. It is followed by a numismatic cabinet. Treasure of Christian art of IX-XVIII centuries, exposition of printed books, religious and secular manuscripts of IX-XIX centuries. The temporary exhibition space of the museum is dedicated to local and international expositions.
The museum preserves the materials obtained as a result of archeological excavations on the territory of Svaneti region, unique works of Georgian engraving art and icon painting (icon of the Savior of the X century, icons of the first half of the XI century with the image of Christ enthroned and icon of St. George of Asani, icon of forty martyrs of the XII century and icon of the Crucifixion, painted icons of the Virgin Mary of IX-X centuries and others, ritual items - long-handled fans of IX-XIV centuries and others, ancient manuscripts (XI-XIII century manuscript of Adishi, Labskaldi, Ienashi and Mestia with engraved covers), samples of early and late medieval military equipment, iron, silver, copper handicrafts, jewelry, tableware, textiles, ethnographic items depicting the life of old Svaneti and others.
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შინაგან საქმეთა სამინისტროს პოლიციის თანამშრომლებისათვის | 1.0 ₾ |
საჯარო სკოლებისა და ბაგა-ბაღების პედაგოგებისათვის | 1.0 ₾ |
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