Tbilisi Central, shopping mall Tbilisi Central, shopping mall

About Tbilisi Central

Best time to visit: All Season

Tbilisi Central is one of the largest and most diverse shopping centers in Tbilisi. It is located in the central railway station building. There are shops of electrical appliances, clothes, books and accessories. Tbilisi Central also includes a children shop and a gold exchange. In the children shop you can buy a lot of things for children, as well as fabrics and various decorative details. The gold exchange offers a large selection of gold and silver jewelry. At the mall is the Lotus Aesthetic Center, where you can take care of your appearance. Tbilisi Central has a ticket office, a catering facility and three hotels. There is also excellent space for children, you can arrange an unforgettable birthday party for your little one in the children's entertainment center. Tbilisi Central is a multifunctional shopping center, which includes a variety of choices for shopping enthusiasts, entertainment space, various services that create comfort for consumers. Tbilisi Central is visited by many people every day.

Tags: #Entertainment #Food #Food #Food Place #Shopping #Shopping mall #Shop #Leisure

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