Telavi Theatre

About Telavi Theatre

Best time to visit: All Season

The Telavi theater is located in Kakheti, in the city of Telavi, on Erekle II square. The theatrical life of the city has a long history; performances were held here even during the reign of King Heraclius II (Erekle II). One group of young people sent by Heraclius II to study in Russia, after returning to their homeland, decided to create a theater troupe. The theater was headed by Giorgi Avalishvili. During the same period, Gabriel Major, who was keen on theatrical art, worked at the Telavi Theater. In 1795, during the invasion of the Agha Mohammad Khan, a detachment of actors also fought in this unequal combat. In the same battle, Gabriel Major was killed. After the reconstruction of the Georgian professional theater, the first official information about the Telavi theater was published in the newspaper "Iveria" in 1867. The professional theater in Telavi was opened in 1931-1932. The Telavi theater is still active and occupies an important place in the cultural life of the city.

Tags: #Entertainment #Theater #Shopping #Cinema


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