The Movement Theatre

About The Movement Theatre

Best time to visit: All Season

The Movement Theatre is located at Agmashenebeli Avenue N128 in Mushtaidi Garden. Movement Theatre combines modern dance, acrobatics, pantomime, ballet, martial and circus elements. This diversity creates an amazingly impressive and unforgettable performance. The theatre belongs to Kakha Bakuradze. His troupe had first public performances in the streets without any announcements or salary. When the troupe appeared in any street of Tbilisi, there was a great celebration. After that, the Movement Theatre changed many rehearsal spaces, starting with the small space near the theatrical basement and later, the small room of the Railway House. The building of the Movement Theatre was built by hands of the troupe and their leader. The construction of the theatre in Mushtaidi Garden lasted for 3 years and it was finally completed in 2013. Since then, the Movement Theatre regularly hosts theatrical performances as well as a variety of artistic evenings.

Tags: #Entertainment #Theater #Shopping #Cinema

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