Twins Wine Cellar in Napareuli

About Twins Wine Cellar in Napareuli

Best time to visit: All Season

Twins Wine Cellar in Napareuli is located in Kakheti, Telavi Municipality, in the village of Napareuli. It was founded by the brothers Gamtkitsulashvilis. They restored their ancestor's cellar of the 18th century, began making wine in Qvevri (Georgian vessels for making wine) and created a wonderful tourist destination. Here you will find a comfortable hotel, recreation areas and a lake where you can go fishing. You will also be able to taste wine made with the traditional Kakhetian method. The brothers have opened here The Qvevri and Qvevri Wine Museum, which consists of an 8-meter Qvevri and several halls, where the whole process of Qvevri-making and wine-making is described. The museum shows a 15 years collection of wine from the Twins Wine House, as well as various archival photos, information about varieties of Georgian wine, Qvevri, a cellar, and a grape press. The Twins Wine Cellar in Napareuli is the perfect place for everyone who loves wine and comfortable relaxation. The place is visited by many people, both tourists and locals.

Tags: #History #Culture #Museum #Historical Monument #Food Place #Wine Cellar #Winery


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