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Tskhmorisi Bridge
About Tskhmorisi Bridge
Best time to visit:
All Season
Tskhmorisi Bridge is located in Adjara, Keda Municipality, in the village of Tskhmorisi, on the river Adjaristskali. It dates back to the XVI-XVIII centuries. The bridge was destroyed by the floods of 1895 and today only one pillar erected on the rock and the remains of the second pillar covered with soil have survived. Tskhmorisi Bridge was an arched structure, the beginning of the span passing from the pillar and the grooves cut through its base in the form of cells can be seen. The surviving part of the bridge makes it obvious that it was built of stone of different sizes.
Where to stay In Adjara
Resort · Fortress · Cottage
Guest House Akutsa
Guest House
Hilltop Batumi
Paradise Inn
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