Saint George and Saint Theodore Church

წმინდა გიორგისა და წმინდა თეოდორეს სახელობის ეკლესია, church წმინდა გიორგისა და წმინდა თეოდორეს სახელობის ეკლესია, church წმინდა გიორგისა და წმინდა თეოდორეს სახელობის ეკლესია, church

About Saint George and Saint Theodore Church

Best time to visit: All Season

Saint George and Saint Theodore Church is located in Shida Kartli, in the municipality of Kaspi in the center of the village Telatgori. The temple dates to medieval times. The monument is badly damaged, it has cracks all over. To the east, it completes with a semicircular apse. The floor of the altar is uplifted with one stage. On the central axis of the apse, from the inside, there is a right-angled window, which is vaulted from the outside. The facades are surrounded by cornies, which have the shape of shelves. Those cornies are dated to an earlier period. The chapel is built with middle-sized rough pilled sandstones, in the brick-work, there are used huge boulders as well. From the west side, the construction has extended an orthogonal church, which is named after saint Theodore. This church is also built with sandstone, but the difference is in the size of stones: it has much smaller stones than the church of Saint George. Those two churches are connected to each other with a wide, right-angled aperture. In the newest past, the main gate had been built as an extension from the west. The gate is created by quite large stones and bricks. Both the church and the outbuilding are covered with tile.

Tags: #History #Church #Culture #Monastery #Historical Monument

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