St. George Church of Tsvirmi

წვირმის წმ. გიორგის ტაძარი Цвирми ул. Георгиевский собор Tsvirmi St. George\'s church წვირმის წმ. გიორგის ტაძარი Цвирми ул. Георгиевский собор Tsvirmi St. George\'s church წვირმის წმ. გიორგის ტაძარი Цвирми ул. Георгиевский собор Tsvirmi St. George\'s church წვირმის წმ. გიორგის ტაძარი Цвирми ул. Георгиевский собор Tsvirmi St. George\'s church

About St. George Church of Tsvirmi

Best time to visit: All Season

Tsvirmi St. George's Church is located in the village of Tsvirmi, Mestia Municipality, Svaneti. It dates back to the XII century. The church is a hall building with a semicircular apse in the east rectangle and a north annex. The interior of the temple preserves a unique fresco painting of the XII century. The altar is separated from the hall by an iconostasis made of stone and wood. Completely plain facades are completed by shelf cornice. Arched windows are cut in the apse. The entrance is one - from the west. The temple is built of semi-processed stone, on a limestone solution, with clean-cut shirim stone used in the places where the walls are attached. The annex is built of a dry pile of crushed stone.

Tags: #History #Church #Culture #Monastery #Historical Monument


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