Tzkaltashua Temple

About Tzkaltashua Temple

Best time to visit: All Season

It’s located in the valley of the River Tzablarastzkali at the altitude 380m. It’s 233 from Tbilisi,13 km.from Baghdati and 38km.from Kutaisi.The name Tzkaltashua is originated from its natural location.There is the River Khanistzkali in the east and the River Tzablarastzkali in the west.In the 1970s, a group of archaeologists with the leadership of J.J.Ramaia discovered and [artly studied the monastery from the feudalism era on thias village territory.The same expedition discovered the golden coin made in Polemon II’s time. Vakhushti Batonishvili tells us stories about this monastery:To the west of the castle,near Persati there is a monastery with a dome but now it’s not funtional.

Tags: #History #Church #Culture #Monastery #Historical Monument


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