ვაკის პარკი, Park ვაკის პარკი, Park ვაკის პარკი, Park ვაკის პარკი, Park ვაკის პარკი, Park ვაკის პარკი, Park ვაკის პარკი, Park

About Vake Park

Best time to visit: All Season

Vake Park is a park on the slope of the Trialeti Range in the central district of Tbilisi. Its construction began in 1946 and 200 hectares were allocated for the creation of the green strip.

Vake Park on the north side and Chavchavadze Avenue are connected by wide stairwells. The staircase is located on the main axis of the park, which continues the entire cascade of fountains. The central axis of the park ends on the ridge with a memorial to the glory of World War II. The central part of the park is separated by a fountain and a round pool. The special charm of Vake Park is added by the red sand, which covers the roads.

The children's park, open-air cinema, cafe-bars and restaurant are located in Vake Park. In the south-west, the park ends with Mikheil Meskhi Stadium.

Near Vake Park is a cable car that connects the park to Turtle Lake. There is also a hiking trail from the park to the lake.

Tags: #Nature #Garden #Park

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