Vakho Blagidze

Georgian English

I am Vakho Blagidze. My main occupation is alpinism/mountaineering. I was always fascinated by mountains and nature in general. Spending time in nature has been inseparable from my life since my early childhood, but I started mountaineering more seriously in 2017. Here is the list of the first peaks which I summited: • Mount Kazbek 5054m • Mount Tetnuldi 4854m • Several peaks in Chauki mount and others. I was keen on and started mountaineering more actively to prepare myself for more difficult routes. I am fascinated by rock climbing, ice climbing, skiing and cycling. I graduated GMGA adventure tourism school and currently working as a mountain guide. Here is the list of the most memorable and important routes for me: • Mount Khan Tengri 7010m, Tian Shan mountain range, Kyrgyzstan • Lenin Peak, 7134m, Kyrgyzstan. • Winter summit on icy routes in Ala-Archa region, Kyrgyzstan. • Mount Chaukhi and several rocky routes with a varying levels of difficulty. Currently, I am actively involved in several educational-camps for the younger generation. The main goal of these activities is to improve people’s skills in bouldering, alpinism, skiing or simply connecting with nature. It’s very important for me, because my future plans are closely tied to traveling and sharing my experiences. Specifically, I want to connect with people who are interested in mountains, young generation as well as amateurs. I would love to introduce Georgia’s sightseeing attractions to both locals and foreigners and suggest them safe, interesting and adventurous trip to the mountainous regions of my country.


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