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About Virgin Mary church of Mamula

Best time to visit: All Season

Virgin Mary church of Mamula is located in Kvemo Kartli region, Dmanisi municipality, in the village of Mamula. The church dates back to the VIII-IX centuries. The building is a hall church and ends with a semicircular apse on the east. The entrance is from the south. The church has three narrow windows: one in the apse, second in the north and the third one in the west. The east window is decorated with relief crosses. There is a relief of the cross and the Asomtavruli inscription next to the window. On the eastern edge of the south facade is a big stone with a cross relief. The hall is covered with a cupola. The facades are surrounded by cornice. There are old tombstones in the yard of the church. One of the stones is a stylized image of a ram, similar relief tombstones were common in the Middle Ages.

Tags: #History #Church #Culture #Monastery #Historical Monument

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