DJI_0340 DJI_0333 DJI_0329

About Abeliani

Best time to visit: All Season

Abeliani village is located in Kvemo Kartli region, Tetritskaro municipality, on the right side of the river Algeti, at an altitude of 1020 m above sea level. Its old name was Abelia. The area of the village has been inhabited since ancient times. The settlements of late Eneolithic and Early Bronze Age have been discovered here. Firstly, Abelia was mentioned in written sources in 1580. In the XVI-XVIII centuries it was included in the Sabaratiano. The Greeks settled in Abeliani in the 1930's. There is one of the most interesting monuments of the XIII century - Abeliani Trinity church in the village, which is distinguished by its delicate proportions and simple, original decor.

Tags: #Village #Infrastructure #Infrastructure #Populated Area

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