არმაზის ღვთისშობლის ეკლესია - სამონასტრო კომპლექსი

About Armazi Virgin Mary Monastery Complex

Best time to visit: All Season

Armazi Virgin Mary Monastery Complex - a monument of old Georgian architecture, on the right bank of the river Armazistskali, in Mtskheta municipality, 5 km from Mtskheta. Built in the second half of the XII century. Currently, the Fathers' Monastery operates here.

The monastery complex includes the following buildings: church, gate, bell tower, one building and crypt. The main building is a hall church. The church, the gate and the building are built of crushed stone and brick, the crypt is made of cobble and crushed stone, the brick is worn for decorative purposes. Fragments of 12th-century wall paintings have survived in the church and gate. The bell tower to the west of the church belongs to the XVI-XVII centuries.

Tags: #History #Church #Culture #Monastery #Historical Monument

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