Bodorna Rock Columns Natural Monument

Bodorna Rock Columns Natural Monument

About Bodorna Rock Columns Natural Monument

Best time to visit: All Season

Bodorna Rock Columns Natural Monument is located in Mtskheta-Mtianeti region, Dusheti Municipality, near the village of Bodorna, on the right side of Aragvi gorge. It is a column produced in a Neogene conglomerate - a naturally cemented rock. The height of the column is 15 meters, the diameter is 4 meters, it narrows more to the top. Its surface is covered with shrubs. At the bottom of the column, on the east side, is a small, two-part cave from the early Christian period. There are many man-made caves on the slopes surrounding the Bodorna column. About 150-200 meters from the natural monument stands the late medieval Bodorna Church of Mother of God. Bodorna Rock Columns Natural Monument and its surrounding monuments are very interesting and impressive, both for nature lovers and those interested in culture. Such a harmonious combination of nature and man-made forms gives a special charm and diversity to this place.

Tags: #Nature

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