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About Khorkhebi Cave

Best time to visit: All Season

The Khorkhi Cave is located in Kvemo Kartli region, Kldeisi village of Tetritskaro municipality. It is situated on the southern edge of Bedeni Plateau, in the Kldeisistskali basin, 1400 meters above from the sea level. The cave is an icy cavern and is produced in dolerite lava. This place is a heap of huge stones at first glance. There are two entrances between the boulders, from where you will reach the cave by tunnels. These big holes in the lava are caused by tectonic or gravitational processes. There are small layers of ice in same part. Ice is especially created in hot summer. The cave has a stepped bottom and its total depth is 14 meters. Apart from the natural monument, the Khorkhi natural freezer is also an archaeological site of great scientific importance. The cave features a deep stone made, tunnel-like cave that could have been secret shrines during enemy invasions. Vakhushti Batonishvil mentions Khorkhi cave "Khorkhi is like a bath in winter and in the summer, waters are coming from the cliffs and it is freezing, ices are brought to the kings from there”. It seems like they brought ice to the king from this natural freezer in the summer, that’s why the cave is also called the king's freezer.

Tags: #Nature #Cave #Cave #Underground

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