Martkopi Archangel Church

About Martkopi Archangel Church

Best time to visit: All Season

Martkopi Archangel Church is located in Kvemo Kartli region, in the village of Martkopi, Gardabani Municipality. The church was built in 1779 by Gabriel Khuroshvili. In 1899, it was repaired by Davit Tushmalishvili with funds collected from the local inhabitants. It was finally completed and was given it final form in 1992. The building is a hall church and it is built of cobblestones and bricks. There are hexagonal ceramic slabs are on the floor of the temple. There is a bell tower to the eastern side, on the roof. The church has a rectangular entrance on the south side. There are brick relief crosses represented on the eastern and western facades. The interior is painted, it was painted by deacons Father Anton and Zaza Bezhanishvili.

Tags: #History #Church #Culture #Monastery #Historical Monument

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