Martvili Museum of Local Lore

მარტვილის მხარეთმცოდნეობის მუზეუმი, museum მარტვილის მხარეთმცოდნეობის მუზეუმი, museum მარტვილის მხარეთმცოდნეობის მუზეუმი, museum

About Martvili Museum of Local Lore

Best time to visit: All Season

Martvili Museum of Local Lore - was founded in 1957, in Samegrelo, in the city of Martvili. The museum was named after Givi Eliava.

Most of all, in the museum there are preserved archeological materials. The chronology of them consists of the Early Stone and the Bronze Age (here you can see stone tools, as well as combat weapons, special ritual stones, jewels made of different materials, the bronze figure of "the preacher", dated to VII-VI centuries before Christ, fibulas with different depictions, and so on).

In the fund of the museum, there are reserved rich amount of numismatic materials: the golden coins, dated from IV-II centuries BC, also, Colchian Tetri, the collection of X-VIII centuries silver coins, important manuscripts, deeds, and charters of XVIII-XIX century and etc.

This is not everything, here one can also see the library, which is fully staffed with XIX-XX century publications, (5000 copies), those modern Georgian artists' masterpieces, like Lado Gudiashvili's "Samaia", Elene Akhvlediani's "Our Village", also, Mose Toidze's, Robert Sturua's, S. Maisashvili's, R. Adamia's, pieces of arts, Irakli Ochiauri's, Jemal Bzhalava's sculptures and statues.

The museum has unique, collectible plots of Georgian vine, as well as ethnographic corners.

Tags: #History #Culture #Museum

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