Nobel Brothers Batumi Technological Museum

ნობელების მუზეუმი Нобелевский музей Nobel Museum ნობელების მუზეუმი Нобелевский музей Nobel Museum ნობელების მუზეუმი Нобелевский музей Nobel Museum

About Nobel Brothers Batumi Technological Museum

Best time to visit: All Season

Nobel Brothers Batumi Technological Museum is located in Adjara, Batumi, at 3a Leselidze Street. The museum was founded in 2007 and its building is one of the Nobel offices. On the first floor there is an exposition about Swedish inventors and Nobles called "kings of oil", and the second floor covers the history of Georgian tea. The museum will also provide information on oil magnates such as the Rothschilds and Mantashevs. Photos of the famous photographer Prokudin-Gorsky are also exhibited here, which reflects the culture of Georgia at the beginning of the XX century. The museum preserves exhibits reflecting the economic and cultural development of old Batumi, which will introduce you to the history of tea, tobacco and wine culture.

Tags: #History #Culture #Museum #Historical Monument

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+995 577 541****
Duration: 1 hour

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+995 577 541****