Nogha Castle

About Nogha Castle

Best time to visit: All Season

Nogha Castle is situated in Samegrelo, in the municipality of Martvili, in the village of Nogha, on the highest point of the countryside. It is dated to the XVI-XVII centuries. The fortress belonged to the Jaiani patrimonial from the beginning but later was referred to the Dadiani family. The construction has the shape of ellipsis, has double fences, and four towers. The distance between these pillars is approximately two meters. The north, west, and east towers are projected circular, and the south one is - squared. The castle is built with different species of mixed stones, on the burnt lime, filled with mortar. During the 2015 and 2019 years, rehabilitative works were in order, and from now on, it is fully reconstructed.

Tags: #History #Culture #Historical Monument #Fortress #Fortification

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