On the ridge: Datijvari Pass to Tbatana

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About On the ridge: Datijvari Pass to Tbatana

Best time to visit: Summer, September

The trail starts at the Datvijvari pass and ends with the Pankisi Gorge. The route covers the ridge separating Ukana Pshavi and Migma Khevi, Borbalo pass, birth place of rivers Alazani and Iori and summer farms Tbatana.



Day 1: Datvijvari - Campsite Borbalo

The route starts from the Datvijvari pass and goes toward east, along the ridge separating Migma Khevi and Ukana Pshhavi. The trail offers a beautiful panoramic views on the Caucasus, Pshavi and in good weather you can even see Chaukhi. At the end of the day, when you're reminded with fatigue (leave 17 km back) you will find a place which you can call a paradise. Where the ridge has saddle, on 2700 meters above the sea level, there is the small lake. Do not think it's just a beautiful but boggy lake. The lake is constantly updated with a small stream that you can use as drinking water. All this together creates wonderful environment for relaxation after exhausting day.


Day 2: Campsite Borbalo - Sakorno Pass - Rkinis Gza

Morning is beautiful, especially when you come out of the tent with want to scream and jump with the excitement. It was better to wake up at this location then going to sleep. There is a lot of road ahead and you have to ascend the Borbalo pass. It is better to have sufficient amount of water as it would be difficult to find water source during day and a half. The trail is good and you will reach the pass in 1.5 hour. If you are fortunate to have a good weather, you will be able to see birth place of the River Alazani's. The path continues to the left, after ascending uphill it continues on the slope and gets to the ridge, which separated river Alazani from Tsova Tusheti. Rout follows the ridge up to the Sakorno pass where path descends into the gorge of the river Alazani and ascends on the opposite mountain.


Day 3: Rkinis Gza - Tbatana

Your camp is located 2900 meters above the sea level and has a special view. In such moments you find why you love hiking so much. Train can be called everything but not boring. You will enjoy views on birth place of the river Alazani and Iori and Speroza ridge. The path follows the ridge and offers beautiful views on both sides. It is easy to go in good weather, but it's better to get a smart phone with the appropriate app on the route and the appropriate GPS track to be more secured. On the third day, your goal is to reach Tbatana resort. The path is relatively easy. In comparison with the second day water harvesting is easier on the third day. Be careful there is the water source near the path. On this day you will meet local sheep farmers. Be careful herds are guarded by the dogs and if the dog approaches you, do not move call shepherd for help. He will take care of the dogs. When you will reach Tbatana you can relax and feel free. You have finished the trail. During the fourth day you will be descending on ground vehicle road.


Day 4: Tbatana - Civilization

This day is the easiest. We are descending to Pankisi gorge with the ground vehicle road. The distance is 10-12 km. At the end of August and early September you will find blackberry on the road. The first village is Burikiani. The main thing here is to get to village Matani or Akhmeta where the movement is more intensive.

Tags: #hiking #trekking #Backpacking #Adventure Tour

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Duration: 4 days
Total distance: 55 km
Difficulty: Medium

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