The Archangels church of Skladi

The Archangels church of Skladi

About The Archangels church of Skladi

Best time to visit: All Season

The Archangels church of Skladi is located in Svaneti, in the Lentekhi Municipality, near the village of Paki, on the mountain. It was built on the site of a 10th-century church. Carved stones from the old church can still be seen on the site of the modern temple. A stunning view opens up from the Skaldi Church. The temple is a hall-type building with a semicircular apse in the east. The altar is separated from the rest of the room by a wooden iconostasis. The vault of the hall is supported by supporting arches that rest on pilasters. The interior is completely painted, while the facades are completely plastered and whitewashed. The southern and northern facades are decorated with arches. The church has only one entrance, which is on the west side. A narthex is attached to the temple from the west, which is open on three sides with arches. An image of a relief cross is placed above the narthex. To the west of the church, there is a two-story bell tower, both floors of which are open with arches on all sides. The first floor is a gate leading to the courtyard of the temple, and a belfry is arranged on the second floor. The church and the bell tower stand on an artificial platform.

Tags: #History #Church #Culture #Monastery #Historical Monument

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