Sulori Church of the Annunciation

სულორის ხარების ეკლესია სულორის ხარების ეკლესია სულორის ხარების ეკლესია

About Sulori Church of the Annunciation

Best time to visit: All Season

Sulori Church of the Annunciation is located in the village of Sulori, Vani Municipality, Imereti Region. The temple was built in the XXI century. The hall-type church, made of cut stone, ends in the east with a semicircular apse protruding outward. In the masonry of the apse, smaller stones were used compared to the facades of the hall. The western facade is decorated with rectangles symmetrically located on both sides of the entrance, which are formed by a slight transfer of masonry from the main space. In the rectangles, one window is also carved - an arched shape, like all the other windows of the church. There are three entrances, they are also all arched, from the south, east and north sides. Above the north and south windows and all three entrances, there is a pyramid-shaped decor. The temple is covered with tin.

How to get there

The village of Sulori is located in the Imereti region, in the Vani municipality, 11 km from the city of Vani. There is a vehicle road to the Sulori Church of the Annunciation.

Tags: #History #Church #Culture #Monastery

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