DJI_0287 DJI_0291 ტაბაწყური

About Tabatskuri

Best time to visit: Summer, Autumn, May

The village of Tabatskuri is located in the Samtskhe-Javakheti region of Borjomi Municipality, 2000 meters above sea level, on the shore of lake Tabatskuri. Part of it is built on the peninsula. The local population is mainly involved in dairy production, fishing and livestock. The village of Tabatskuri (2000 meters above sea level), located in the peninsula, is invading in the lake. The blue lake, expansive spaces and mountains make a spectacular sight. Except amazing views, you can see one of the most important examples of Georgian architecture in the village, XIX century Tabatskuri Red Church and XIX century Armenian Church, the White Church. Tabatskuri is one of the best places in Samtskhe-Javakheti to enjoy with nature and for relaxation. It is rich in impressive landscapes and cultural monuments. It is also often seen in the lens of photographers because of the beauty of nature and the interesting location of the village.

How to get there

Tabatskuri is located 60 kilometers away from Borjomi. It is possible to get there from Akhalkalaki and Bakuriani. As you pass Bakuriani, the dirt road begins, where you can move by a Sedan. However, caution is important. In winter and early spring it is impossible to drive by car from Bakuriani side to Tabatskuri, as the road is closed. On the side of Akhalkalaki, the last section of the road is a dirt road and you can move here by a sedan. In winter, to get to Tabatskuri it is possible only from the Akhalkalaki side.

Tags: #Village #Infrastructure #Populated Area


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Where to stay In Samtskhe - Javakheti


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