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About Tagnageti Complex

Best time to visit: All Season

Tagnageti complex is located in Kvemo Kartli region, in the village of Ertisi, Tetritskaro municipality. It is a late medieval monument and includes a defensive tower and a church. Tagnageti Tower has eight floors. The floors are connected by a wooden staircase. There is a door to the south-west wall of the ground floor, the entrance is arched. A ceramic pipe is embedded in the south-west wall of the same wall. Only the VII century floor is completely preserved. There was a fireplace on the first floor. There was an exit to the balcony on the third floor. You will find the holes for the gun shots. The construction of them is different - with architrave, arched and wooden borders. The tower is built of flat stone, and the seventh and eighth floors are made of Georgian bricks. There is a hall church to the north-east of the tower. The roof of the temple was supported by a pair of pilasters, although it is quite damaged for now, only a small portion of the cupola is preserved. The building has the only arched entrance from the south. The church is built of crushed stone. The cupola and the arched frame of the door are made of brick.

Tags: #History #Church #Culture #Monastery #Historical Monument #Fortress #Fortification

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