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On the untouched forest trail, you will find the coniferous, deciduous, mixed and Kolkh sub-tropical forests of the National Park. In addition to beautiful views, there are flourishing rhododendrons in May. You can find IX century church of Saint Mary near Nunisi Rangers' Checkpoint.
The visit to Borjomi-Kharagauli National park is not free. For registration, booking of the tourist shelter and other services contact/visit Borjomi-Kharagauli National Park Visitor Center.
The route starts from Zanavi's ranger checkpoint and ends at Nunisi ranger checkpoint. The trail crosses the eastern part of the national park and is distinguished by its untouched forest masses. There are species of beech, hornbeam and truffle varieties.
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Hi, We'll be in Borjomi between 18-22 april and we're looking for some hikes. We prefer this ones which take one day like Footprint trail (5-15 km). Do you recomened something?
Hi! We are traveling to Georgia between 15-25 March. I'll be with wife and 2 children (5 and 3 years old). We want to spend a couple of days in Borjomi. Are any trails open? Would you recommend any other destination for a couple of 1 day hikes in any part of Georgia (we will be renting a car).
Is the coronavirus a problem, should we reschedule our visit? We will be travelling from Poland and will be landing in Kutaisi.
Hello. There are several trails open. However as you are with children, and they are quite small, the shorter distance road is recommended. You can take this rote https://georgiantravelguide.com/en/routes/likani-valley or there is even shorter trail which is called National Park Information Trail https://georgiantravelguide.com/en/routes/national-park-information-tail . Also if you search something around Tbilisi this trial might interest you https://georgiantravelguide.com/en/routes/shavnabada-krtsanisi . You can find more one day rotes on our page https://georgiantravelguide.com/en/routes?&types=14&seasons=2.
About the virus: there might not be a problem with that. However for the safety issues our government limited flights to China and Italy for now. So if you are healthy there is no problem at all. At the boarder they check the temperature and as long as you have it normal, you can feel free.
Thank you so much for your fast reply. Couple of questions - what are the conditions in the mountains and on the trails like? Do we need special equipment to hike on those 1 day trails? Also, if we wanted to go on this trail: https://georgiantravelguide.com/en/routes/shepherds-trail
would it be recommended with children? Are there any places to sleep along the way?
There is quite a little amount of snow on the trails. However you will need the warm clothes, of course warm winter hiking shoes. You will need small backpacks for snacks and water as well.
As for that trail. It is closed for the moment, and only opens in summer. But with children of that small age, we would not recommend you to hike there. As that trail is 3 days long and is quite long distance.