ურეკი, მაგნეტიტი ურეკი, მაგნეტიტი ურეკი, მაგნეტიტი ურეკი, მაგნეტიტი

About Ureki

Best time to visit: All Season

Ureki Resort is located in Guria, Ozurgeti Municipality, on the Black Sea coast, 4 meters above sea level. It is one of the most popular seaside resorts that attracts many tourists. The rolling blue sea, sandy beaches, well-appointed hotels and green pine trees create a perfect environment for lovers of seaside vacations. Ureki is a seaside climatic resort. It has a subtropical climate with warm, snowless winters and hot summers. The average annual temperature is 14.5 ° C, January - 5.8 ° C, and July - 22.6 ° C. The resort is distinguished by magnetic sand with healing properties. The sea depth is small for long distances, which is especially convenient if you are relaxing with children. For those who are attracted to chocolate tan, warm sea and sunny beaches, Ureki is one of the best places. If you want to unwind in a comfortable environment with friends or family and have a varied vacation, you will definitely be able to fill yourself with positive emotions and spend time happily and gladly.

Tags: #The resort #Infrastructure

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