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About Vashlovani Tower

Best time to visit: All Season

Vashlovani tower is located in the village of Vashlovani, Tetritskaro municipality, Kvemo Kartli region. It dates back to 1811. It should be noted that the tower was never used for military purposes, it was built as an entertainment and banquet place for Georgian aristocrats and the appropriate name was chosen - "Salkhino". The building has circular shape in plan. According to the inscription preserved here, the founder of the tower is Major-General of the Russian Army Tamaz Orbeliani, and the architect is "Master George". Vashlovani tower is built of gray, local crushed rocks on a mortar. The monotony of the building is disordered by a brick loggia from the east. An artistic arrangement of red, white and yellow bricks in the loggia emphasizes the east side. The arched entrance door is also included in the brick order. The tower has four floors connected to each other by a stone staircase attached to the wall. The tower has a fireplace and a balcony. The interior is lit by arched windows. Vashlovani tower is built by mixing the traditions characteristic of the old feudal architecture with the new forms.

Tags: #History #Culture #Architecture #Historical Monument #Fortification #Tower

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