How safe is to travel in Georgia
One of the most important question before traveling is how safe is to travel in particular country? I think, 99% of earth population does not know anything about this tiny country Georgia. So maybe most of them think, that it's dangerous to travel there. But I'm glad to say that according to safety research 2016, Georgia takes sixth place in top safe contries in the world. Source: Georgia Ranked Among Top 6 Safe Countries
Let's find out what makes Georgia safe country. Well, number of robbers and burglars in Georgia is very close to 0. You can leave your home or car open all night long. If someone finds your lost mobile phone, he/she will try to call you and give your phone back. Sometimes even reported wallets are reported to the police by the cityzens of Georgia. You can also walk in the streets at midnight no one will hurt you.
We've achieved this safety level by our Police. There is no corruption in Georgian Police. Well, it was not like this about 15 years ago, but our new government completely changed the system and enstead of inactive and corrupted police now we have powerful and lawful Georgian Patrol Police. They are always ready to help citizens for free who need any kind of help. Burglars and robbers can't do their job as we have security cameras almost everywhere in the cities and it's very easy to catch them.
No one steals your mobile phone, because if you report it to police they will find it very soon by GSM network providers and thief will be arrested. Also you will never find scammers with fake banknotes in currency exchange booths. Currency exchangers only cheating tourists by very low rate but it's very rear and also avoidable if you check rates on the internet.
Don't be afraid of Georgian Police, they are your friends as long as your are not a criminal. In case of robbery, car crash, loss of thing, fight and etc, just call to 112 and emergency department will immediately help you.
Learn more about emergency services in this article: Emergency services in Georgia
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