World Run Georgia
The Wings For Life World Run is truly a unique and global race for both runners and wheelchair participants, this is one of the world’s largest charity events ever kicked off. Here runners of all abilities are pacing the pavement to raise a money for research into the Spinal Cord Injuries. This is from where the slogan comes from: “run for those, who can’t”. In Georgia it is already 5th year, that this event takes place. In the Kakheti region about 30,000 Georgians, ex-pats and tourists flocked to take part in the Wings for Life World Run. This event has happened simultaneously around the world. Another 35 countries around the world are taking part in this event, and they all start running at the same time : on an international scale- at 11:00 pm, and on Tbilisi scale- at 15:00 pm, in May 6, 2018. Hundreds of thousands of runners run For those, who can’t. For example, in 2014, local officials in Georgia said, that 30.000 people registered to participate in the Georgian-leg of the world run. According to the organizers, transportation along the Tbilisi-Kakheti-Tbilisi route will be provided. Also, every participant will receive an ID number, that will be attached to the shirts.
When the race begins, you have 30 minutes to run, after 30 minutes the runners depart, a chaser car begins to move at a predetermined speed, that increases over time after time, and as soon as the car passes you, (a runner) you are automatically out of the race. Nothing feels like the epinephrine, when the car comes closer. So, one can say, that this marathon has no Finish Lane, as the finish line is “running” towards you. You may imagine yourself as Forrest Gump, running around the world... Every five kilometers will be marked by a refreshment booth serving water and fruit. I know some people, who will say, that they are bad at running, or they aren’t physically ready for the race, so there is no need to take part in this race, I want to tell you, that here, in this competition will be people in wheelchairs, and they will “run”! Bare in mind, that it is enough just to walk, you don’t have to run.
Or you may come across one of the most exciting moment in someone’s life, like that, So, I think, everyone should join World Run!
Another great reason, why you should take part in this race is, that the 100 % of the money you pay for this competition helps scientists to discover new ways against Spinal Cord Injuries. So you are being very, very kind, while having fun at the same time.
A shuttle bus will return excluded runners to the start line. Later, when the winner will be demonstrated, the event will be accompanied by a concert, famous Georgian Bands will sing for you, attendance at this concert is free.So, if you decide to participate in World Run Georgia, you should know some of this information about the exact place: it will be held in Kakheti, which is a region in Georgia, known for producing wine from various grapes. Ancient castles, stunning churches, Caucasian mountains and flourished grape vineyards covering the nurtured grounds of Kaheti, engulf the region. So, you will enjoy with the surrounding areas, as well as the running itself. The turning point is Lopota Lake, which is located on the Telavi-Kvareli highway. Runners will enjoy the spring weather, while running through the landscapes of Kakheti, (the climate in Kakheti varies throughout the year, ranging from 35 degrees Celsius). As usual the weather in the spring is mostly sunny and dry, which will be pleasant for the runners. In a nutshell, Kakheti is very friendly, and has an open-hearted aura, which offers an unforgettable experience to its acquainted individuals. It will be more fun, if you come here with your friends, so don’t miss that annual kind charity event. Let’s run together for those, who can’t.
Don’t forget about clothes, because it’s very important to wear comfortable running shoes, as well as the active-wear. I will also recommend you to take sunglasses too, or a cap (maybe raincoat, it depends on the weather). And one more thing, organizers won’t let you, if you are drunk.
How to sign up ?
The last day of registration is the 3rd May, 15:00 P.M. Local Time. The entry fee is 30 GEL.
If you want to have bib number with your name printed on it, you should be registered before the 10th of March. With bib numbers participants are able to have vouchers of snacks and water. In need, participants will get medical treatment on the location and along the track.
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