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Kutaisi Botanical Garden is located in the city of Kutaisi, on the right bank of River Rioni and because of its age and characteristic of planning, it is considered to be one of the important parts of the construction of the park and garden. It is one of the first points of introduction of subtropical trees and shrubs in Imereti.
The garden has several hundreds of different species of the world. Kutaisi Botanical Garden has several natural terraces. Geographically, it is the most eastern part of the Kolkheti lowland and is 150 meters above sea level. The main scientific direction of the garden is the preservation and protection of plant biodiversity.
Dendroflora of the Botanical Garden has about 700 species of plants, trees, and shrubs, from all the flora regions of the world. Here are 210 species of plants belonging to 80 botanical families.
Kutaisi Botanical Garden was founded in 1969, but it has the heritage of the garden that was built 120-140 years ago in the city. In the middle of the 19th century, the garden was originally called farm garden. Later it was known as "tchomi Park".
It is closely linked to the creation of the Kutaisi City Gardens (later Boulevard, now the city park) and the farm garden (now Botanical Garden). The city garden was built around 1820 and the farm garden in 1840. This period that lasted until 1900-1910 should be considered as the first period of introduction of foreign exotic plants in Kutaisi.
In the Kutaisi Botanical Garden, the second period of planting new species of plants and thus enrichment of garden vegetation is associated with the name of the subtropical institution in the former Tchomi Park (the same farm garden).
The most important part of plant introduction starts with the creation of the Kutaisi Botanical Garden. From this period intensively begins introduction of the plants. New geofloristic plots are being created.
In the Botanical Garden of Kutaisi during the last 25 years, plants were brought from Botanical Gardens in Batumi, Sokhumi, Tbilisi, and part of species was from the Botanical Gardens of the former Soviet Union. Most of these seeds were from Moscow, Riga, Kiev, Nikita, Donetsk Botanical Gardens.
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