შერხოტა mwvervali sherxota summit sherkhota mwvervali sherxota summit sherkhota mwvervali sherxota summit sherkhota შერხოტა შერხოტა შერხოტა შერხოტა

About Sherkhota

Best time to visit: Summer

Mount Sherkhota is located in the Mtskheta-Mtianeti region, Stepantsminda municipality (Kazbegi), 3701m above sea level. The mount is clearly visible from Gudauri. There are different ways to get there but more often people visit it from the route of Kelitsadi Lake because Sherkhota is situated exactly next to Khelitsadi Lake. It is possible to climb the mount Sherkhota without any special equipment, that does not represent difficulty. It is completely covered with volcanic red rubble, which makes it a bit difficult to climb, but instead, you can enjoy jogging on the rubble while landing.

Tags: #Nature #Snow #Peak

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